what is plastic injection molding


If you’re in need of a durable, long-lasting part or product, you may be tempted to turn to injection molding. But what does this process involve? And how does it differ from other manufacturing methods? Let’s find out!

What is injection molding?

Injection molding is one of the most common manufacturing processes for plastic parts, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. Let’s break it down:

  • Injection molding is a process that uses molds to shape molten plastic into a specific part.
  • A mold is made from metal or plastic, and it has cavities that are shaped to create a desired part (think of it as a 3D printed object). These cavities are filled with molten plastic through an injection system that pumps melted material into each cavity at high speeds. The injected liquid cools as it travels through channels inside the mold before being ejected out of another opening once enough time has passed for cooling.

What is metal injection molding?

Metal injection molding is a process that uses hot liquid metal to form a product. The part can be made from either hard or soft alloys, and the process for making it is similar to that of plastic injection molding. Metal injection molding can be used to create a variety of products ranging from automotive parts and medical devices to jewelry and kitchenware.

The advantage of metal injection molding over other manufacturing processes is that it creates durable parts with complex geometries. These parts are often lighter than those produced by other methods because they are made with less material (and therefore weigh less). Another benefit is that you can use many different types of metals in this process—including aluminum, steel, brass, bronze, nickel silver and cobalt chrome—so there’s no limit on what you can create!

When deciding which type of metal will work best for your product needs consider its density; how easily it melts at high temperatures; whether or not it has any poisonous gases associated with its melting point; how much strength/resilience it retains when finished as well as if there are any health concerns associated with exposure over time.”

What are the advantages of injection molding?

There are many advantages to injection molding. First, it’s durable and long-lasting. It can withstand a wide range of temperatures and environments, which helps keep the materials it’s made out of in good condition over time. Second, injection molded products tend to be reliable because they’re made with precision machines that follow strict manufacturing guidelines. This means you can count on each product being the same as all its predecessors—or at least very similar in quality. Thirdly is cost effectiveness: because of mass production techniques (which we’ll cover later), injection molding is an efficient way to manufacture parts for your business or industry without having to pay extra money for labor or materials like other production methods may require you do so upfront before producing anything at all!

Fourthly: flexibility! Because there are so many different types of machinery available for creating different shapes using this method (think about how much variety there could be if we were talking about something else besides just plastic!) there really aren’t any limits on what kind of parts could be produced using this technique outside from some basic limitations related directly back into price points which may limit certain kinds from being feasible when compared against their alternatives.”

What types of products can be made with injection molding?

Injection molding is used to make a wide range of products, including:

  • Parts for cars and trucks
  • Appliance parts such as refrigerator doors, dishwasher racks, and microwave door handles
  • Furniture components like toilet seats and drawer pulls
  • Industrial equipment parts such as water nozzle nozzles for faucets, electric motor housings and gaskets for compressors (which can be reused)

Injection molding can make durable, long-lasting parts and products

Injection molding is a manufacturing process that makes durable, long-lasting parts and products. It’s perfect for making a variety of parts that need to be tough enough for everyday use.

The basic process starts with creating a detailed model (or “tool”) of the piece you want to make. This tool is then used to make an injection mold, which is essentially just a steel block with cavities carved into it that correspond exactly to your design’s shape—like an ice cube tray for your part! After assembling everything together, you can finally start injecting molten plastic into those cavities and letting it cool down until it hardens into the finished product!


Injection molding is a powerful process for creating high-quality products that last. It’s also versatile enough to be used on a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum and plastic. If you want to know more about injection molding or have any questions about our services, contact us today!

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