Why and How to Buy Injection Molding From China | Topworks

I’m here to tell you that injection molding is really not as hard as it sounds. It’s quite easy, actually. Once you know what you’re doing, of course.

If you want injection molded products for your project, but don’t have the injection molds already made, this  should serve as a helpful injection molding guide for first-timers.

Let me show you how injection molding works and how it applies to China manufacturing projects:

China Injection Molding
China Injection Molding
  • What Is Injection Molding?

injection molding is a manufacturing process that produces parts from plastic, metal and other materials. In injection molding, liquid material is forced into a steel injection mold using high pressure. The liquid cools and hardens to create the desired shape.

Injection molds are specifically designed for injection molding as well as injection molding machines, which can cost upwards of $100k-200k depending on table size and other factors. Learn more about injection molds here: https://www.plasticmoulds.net/what-is-plastic-mold.html . There are other types of injection molded products besides plastic bottle caps–almost anything that is molded has been using injection molding!

  • What machine does injection Molding use?

Injection molding can be performed using an injection molding machine. Injection molding machines is one of the most commonly used injection molded parts manufacturing process. Injection molding can be performed on a wide range of injection molding machines including injection molding machines, hydraulic injection molders, and hot chamber injection molders.The injection molding machine contains a cylinder that has a reciprocating screw within it to precisely meter the amount of molten plastic going into the injection molded part.

This injection molded part is formed by injection of heated, liquefied plastic into a closed mold. Once the injection molding cycle has been completed the injection molded part cools and is ejected from the injection molding machine. The injection molding process can be performed over and over again to produce additional injection molded parts .

injection molding design


  • Why Do I Need Injection Molding from China?

Why Do I Need Injection Molding from China? One reason is that China injection molding suppliers could offer custom injection molding at highly competitive rates. From design to injection molding, injection tooling to injection stretch blow molding, China is the source for your injection molded products.

The injection mold industry globally has benefitted significantly from China’s accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO)in 2001. Chinese injection molds are now available at prices rivaled only by countries like Mexico while offering less expensive labor cost than most other regions but with higher productivity which results in lower total costs of manufacturing besides better quality.

That injection molding is more cost-effective than other methods of producing plastic parts has actually lead to an injection molded product lifecycle which is significantly shorter than any other method of plastics manufacturing.

However, this injection mold advantage can only be fully realized when the injection molds are produced in China rather than developed locally or developed within one’s region. Custom injection molding services in China at highly competitive rates have made China a prime source for injection molds.

This holds true globally and especially with regard to North America where most injection mold companies are based out of Mexico due its proximity yet not subject to import tariffs imposed on Chinese goods.

  • How to buy China Plastic Injection Molding?

  1.  Search online for injection molds, you will get many search results.. Some good sources are www.alibaba.com , www.made-in-china.com which have thousands of suppliers worldwide, but prices may vary considerably so it’s best to contact several suppliers directly by email or phone to compare their offers and specify exactly what type of injection molded parts you need. If possible, send injection mold samples for a quote to speed up the process.
  2. Send injection mold samples to injection mold suppliers found on the supplier directories , and ask them about their prices and terms of delivery.
  3. When you have a clear idea of the injection molded quantity and type of parts you need, negotiate an attractive offer with your injection mold supplier by email or phone, and be sure to ask for:

-a full package price (price per piece including materials, labor, assembly costs etc.)

-mold construction method (core / cavity; hot runner; cold runner; gate location; cooling system etc.)

-diameter and length of injection molds cavities (to ensure injection molds can produce high quality parts with less waste)

       4.Transfer cost, shipping time and payment methods also need to be negotiated directly with injection mold supplier.


  • Plastic injection molding benefits

The black-and-white mindset associated with plastic consumption has recently become increasingly popular. Despite this, however, the use of plastics is something that requires careful consideration and critical thinking. Injection molding offers some environmental benefits, including:

    • Waste-reduction

Using plastic injection moulding, only the exact amounts of plastic are used to create and shape the final product as it involves injecting the plastic into an exacting mould. It has been proposed that if there is any excess in channels, it can be ground again, melted, and used to make a new moulding. Since a mould tool might be used to create hundreds or thousands of products, the entire production process produces little-to-no waste, which represents a significant amount of waste reduction.

Wood and metal can be used to produce similar products, but these materials require much more waste and each item will take longer to produce, especially the more complicated shapes; things that could be formed using a single piece of plastic may need multiple pieces, which would increase production costs.

Furthermore, natural materials tend to decompose over time and are harder to clean. Although this may be suitable for some products, for items that will be in regular use for a long time it doesn’t seem feasible to produce five different plastic items to match the life of one made from natural materials.

    • Recyclability

After a thermoplastic product has reached its end of life, it can easily be reground and set in order to create a new one. Over the course of their lifetime (which varies from one plastic product to another, as we know with plastics), the same plastic granules could be recycled into multiple plastic products.

In addition to reducing plastic pollution, this method is an especially efficient way to recycle single-use plastics. As long as they were made from thermoplastic and not thermoset, they could be cleaned, reground, and reutilized again.

    • Longevity of products

As well as lasting longer than natural alternatives, plastic products have other advantages. While hardwoods and metals decompose or rust, plastics hardly do so, since they decompose much more slowly. When unused plastic accumulates, it is not good for the environment, but if used correctly, it can be beneficial.

Surfaces made of smooth plastic have far fewer maintenance issues than even their closest competitors. Consequently, they are well suited for industries like the medical industry where it is necessary to regularly disinfect objects.

It is also rare for injection-molded items to be single-use. Storage boxes and school chairs are designed to be sturdy and durable. High levels of consistency are also achieved through this process. It is advantageous because it produces fewer scraps.





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